Our Process

We are not for everyone.

If you are looking for a generalist "no win, no fee" broker, then please search the internet for "trade finance" to find a suitable candidate.

However, if you have exhausted all options with your existing lenders and need help to access liquidity, please refer to our process below.

You are free to exit the process after each stage has completed.
If we believe that you are unlikely to secure a facility from a lender, we will terminate the process after our first meeting.

The table below is best viewed on a desktop.

StageTiming & Process Pricing
(excluding VAT)
90 minutes
In-person (London, UK) or online
Detailed analysis of your business, trade flow
and credit requirement
USD 1,300
(or equivalent)
Payable in advance

Mutual Stop/Go Decision
Credit PaperUp to 3 weeks
Preparation of credit proposition for lenders
This stage is time and data intensive
It requires detailed input from senior management 
USD 6,900
(or equivalent)
Payable in advance
IntroductionUp to 2 weeks
Introduction to potential lenders
Review of lender feedback

 Client Stop/Go Decision 
 SupportVariable timing, depending on lender
Support during the lenders' underwriting and documentation processes
Completion Variable timing, depending on lender For facilities
under USD 500k:
USD 10,000
over USD 500k:
2% of total facility
Payable on completion
  Completion fees will be refunded
if we receive equivalent fees from the lender